If you want to be so narrow minded to believe that 'science fiction' is Buck Rogers, Star Trek and Battlefield Earth - that's great - but there's a whole lot of science fiction that has NOTHING to do with those described elements of monsters and space travel. Here's a few of my favorites...
A Clockwork Orange [1971, directed by Stanley Kubrick]
Miscreants who seem helpless to rehabilitation processes - are treated to "aversion therapy".

The Quiet Earth [1985, directed by Geoff Murphy]
A man awakens to discover he's the last person on earth.

Twelve Monkeys [1995, directed by Terry Gilliam]
In a future decimated by disease a "convict" is sent back in time to determine the cause.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [2004, directed by Michel Gondry]
A couple undergo a procedure to erase each other from their memory.

Children of Men [2006, directed by Alfonso Cuaron]
In the near future - mankind finds itself sterile.
See, no monsters, robots or spaceships - just solid and actual science fiction. Glad I showed that cooking program who's boss!
(I would put Primer [2004] on the list - but after just watching it for the first time over the weekend - I'm still baffled.)
I totally agree. Time After Time, Alphaville, Paprika, Logan's Run and Dark City are other examples.