I had a very specific plan to watch this film – and though the plan worked out just the way I wanted it – the movie still disappointed.
The film is about...
From the look and sound of the previews of this film – you have to ask yourself if this is going to be a lowest common denominator comedy – where the cheapest of the cheap jokes come out – or is it going to surprise much like The Hangover did with its “smart” dumb humor. Well, it started to become pretty apparent from the beginning of the film – once we were introduced to the Lou character – that we should abandon all hope – ye who enter here – because here comes the clown hammer.
I grew up in the 80’s – and lived through every day of them – but not as much as some people apparently. I’ll never understand why people are so hung up on remembering that decade. Sure, pop culture cheese was oozing through the streets – but isn’t it time we got over it as a culture? It wouldn’t be the 80’s if we weren’t mentioning Michael Jackson, Ronald Reagan, MTV, cocaine, hair metal bands, leggings and neon – all but one of those things are dead and it’s losing to meth – so can we please move on?
I think we should invade North Korea - and once we take it over - everyone who wants to live in the 1980's can live there. We don't have much contact with that country anyway - and considering how Kim Jong Il is such a big pop-culture nut - he might turn over the keys to the country and make the 8o's-topia. Everyone can enjoy their Motley Crue and Ally Sheedy there and leave us out of it!

John Cusack does the typical John Cusack performance – in the typical John Cusack role – which reminds me why I’m not super impressed with John Cusack. Never heard of Rob Corddry – and I realize it’s because I don’t like Will Ferrell or his low brow – I’m-shouting-because-that’s-what-makes-it-funny films – now that I’ve been exposed to him – I know to avoid him.
I like Craig Robinson and Chevy Chase – and I’m glad I get to see them in intelligent and FUNNY comedies every week – just wish I didn’t see them in this film - even though they were the best part. I didn’t get the feeling they were scooping from the bottom of the barrel all the time to get their laughs - though Robinson reached. Clark Duke as Jacob was also pretty good - and Crispin Glover kind of stole the show from all of them.
One thing that constantly bums me out about films these days - is the continual usage of concepts to sell films. Concepts aren't movies - they aren't stories - they aren't plot - they aren't character development - they are concepts - they are like the butter on your toast. If you cannot come up with a story, characters or whatever - it doesn't matter if you come up with the greatest concept in the world - it's not going to work. If you want to eat straight butter - go for it - you'll get fat and sick.
Fart jokes, poop jokes, barf jokes, boob jokes, blow job jokes, male nudity jokes, penis jokes, butt jokes, singing as a joke, set-up/punchline jokes... Yep, you get them all right here in this cleverly packaged piece of cinematic blah.
Don’t get me wrong – I laughed my ass off – but that was only because my plan worked - nothing chemically induced just a little self awareness. After it was all done though I had an icky feeling and ended up I feeling cheap and used. I can’t give this film anything more than a 3 out of 5 - and that's a hesitant rounded up 3 – and if I ever watched it again – it’ll get worse.
[directed by Steve Pink]
I've never really seen the attraction of the 80s either. The age of the great low-budget movies was more or less over, and even sadder was the fact that the age of the great low-budget totally insane wildly eccentric and truly independent maverick film-makers was also just about over. So even the cheesiest 80s movies seem somehow contrived and pre-packaged. They seem like cheesy movies dreamt up by some fat middle-aged corporate types.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand I absolutely adore Cherry 2000. I can offer no excuses for this. It even has Melanie Griffith, but I still love it. I'm so ashamed.
I had a friend highly recommend this movie. I was sure she didn't know me too well, and now I know my assumption is right.
ReplyDeleteI think your plan would be easier completed if we conquer N. Korea and just move everyone who DOESN'T love the 80s there. We can even keep the fences, machine guns, and mines in place! It'll be perfect.
The 80s did have the Howling series, the Butthole Surfers, and I'm sure, given enough time, one more good thing. So we'll have to leave the immigration office open...