Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Weekend Viewing - Feb 5-7 (part 2)

This weekend I also watched our favorite fedora-wearing, adventurer played by Harrison Ford’s in his two best films - Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Indiana Jones films work because they play on the old classic world traveling serials of yester year that Lucas and Spielberg grew up enjoying – there’s a kid inside all of us that will always enjoy their timeless nature.

We’ve all probably watched these films dozens of times – but my viewing of them this weekend was purposeful as I wanted to figure out what was that much better Raiders and Last Crusade than Temple of Doom and Crystal Skull. I realize there’s not much that I can say about them that hasn’t been said before – but this is my space to say it – so I’m saying it (as short and possibly uninspired as it may be).

I’m not saying these are the reasons why these films are better – but here’s my list of the main differences between the two best in the series vs. the two worst of the series.

- No kids/teenager as a sidekick (not that as a kid I didn’t love Short Round)

- Nazi’s are the enemy (who are great “we can all relate to hating” enemies)

- The hunt is for a mystical Christian artifact (which again is something firmly understandable by Western Culture standards)

They are all classic b-movie type “jungle”, “tomb” adventure films – who’s lineage can be traced back to the beginning of cinema. World traveling adventurers under the guise of being “scientists” or “archeologists” or “explorers” have been fascinating kids and adults forever with their exotic locations, gross out scares and “near impossible” stunts.

As part of the new Raiders release there was an interview with George Lucas who insisted that he just wanted to see the film – he didn’t care who made it – he just loved the idea and story and just wanted to see it. Lately, Lucas has been on record in plenty of interviews – specifying that “audiences/kids want to see” things such as Anakin Skywalker as a child, Jar-Jar Binks and special effects nonsense. I can’t say whether Lucas wanted to see Indiana Jones fly around in a refrigerator – but with the massive rewrites to Crystal Skull – wouldn’t be surprised if that was the least worst idea out there.

My point here being – maybe Lucas should stop deciding what others want to see and put down what he’d like to see – as that’s what got him so excited about Indiana Jones in the first place – as it seemed to work out for everybody.

My feelings toward Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade – are that they are neck and neck for the best in the series – two of the finest adventure films made – both 5 out of 5. Temple of Doom gets a 4 out of 5 on its best days but lingers around 3 most days – and Crystal Skull gets a very generous 2 out of 5.

There’s also a lot to be said about my feelings for George Lucas and Steven Spielberg and how I feel they are partially to blame for the crap Hollywood spews – intentionally or unintentionally – but this isn’t the blog for that rant.

1 comment:

  1. I know it's very perverse of me, but Temple of Doom is by far my favourite of the Indiana Jones movies.
